What's Missing In #MeToo
I have heard a lot of backlash over the treading #MeToo over the past week. Although I am for the movement, I do see that there is a lack of representation of male victims, trans women victims, and victims of violent sexual assault. #MeToo is a viral and overarching phenomenon that does not encompass all sexual harassment and assault cases, and I do not think it is supposed to. I think it has one job-- the job of bringing sexual assault and harassment to the forefront of popular media. I think it did that successfully. However, I can see how it can be isolating to those who are seemingly left out of the trend. For one, the movement excludes men. Not saying that sexual assault and harassment does not effect men, because it does, I think that the Me Too Movement is for girls and women and that it okay. "One of the main goals of The Me Too Movement is to give young women, particularly young women of color from low wealth communities, a sense of empowerment that t